This handout explains many of the pieces of medical equipment used in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Photos of many devices are included.
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This handout for kidney/pancreas transplant patients provides a glossary of terms commonly used in transplantation. This document is also a chapter in "Your Kidney/Pancreas Transplant Guide," which is available from Materials Management #171915.
This handout defines many of the terms parents will hear while their baby is in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
This handout is for patients who are preparing an Advance Care Directive to help them reflect on their values and determine what matters most to them. This is not a legal document.
This handout is for patients at the Center for Weight Loss and Metabolic Surgery at UWMC - Roosevelt in Seattle. It explains what to expect on a very low calorie diet (VLCD), including risk factors and side effects. Please carefully read this handout before starting this diet.
This handout explains how to use misoprostol, including what to do before and after placing the tablets, to manage early pregnancy loss (miscarriage) or pregnancy termination (abortion).
This handout lists the common medications prescribed for patients after surgery at the Hand Center: oxycodone, morphine sulfate, hydromorphone, naproxen, colace, scopolamine patch, and meclizine. Included are common doses and schedules, how to use the medicine, and common side effects of narcotic pain medicines, anti-inflammatory medicines, stool softeners, and anti-nausea treatments.
This handout for kidney/pancreas transplant patients gives instructions for getting started with medicines - from organization to making arrangements for refills. It covers issues while at the hospital and after discharge and gives guidelines for taking medicines. This document is also a chapter in "Your Kidney/Pancreas Transplant Guide," which is available from Materials Management #171915.
This handout explains the types of medicines that will be taken by lung transplant patients after their surgery. It includes tips on organizing medicines, deciding on a pharmacy, guidelines for taking medicines, what to avoid when taking immunosuppressive drugs, and information about specific immunosuppressants such as basiliximab, tacrolimus, mycophenolate, prednisone, cyclosporine, sirolimus, and others.
This handout for liver transplant patients gives instructions for getting started with medications - from organization to making arrangements for refills. It covers medication issues while at the hospital and after discharge. Guidelines are given for taking medications. The handout also offers an entry for almost all transplant-related medications that covers purpose, dosage, forms, usual maintenance dose, potential side effects, and cost. This document is also a chapter in "Your Liver Transplant Guide: At University of Washington Medical Center," which is available from Materials Management #UH1915.
This handout gives basic information about how the liver works and what happens during liver failure. It describes medicines that are often used to reduce the complications caused by liver disease.
This appendix to the Heart Transplant Manual explains medicines prescribed for heart transplant patients.
This handout lists the medicines most often used to help keep blood glucose at healthy levels when a patient has type 2 diabetes. Included are drug names, primary site of action, drug class, how they work, whether it is given by mouth or by injection, and possible side effects.
This handout lists medicines and drugs that affect a man's ability to have children.
This handout gives instructions about and provides lists of medicines -- including aspirin, prescription products, herbs and vitamins -- to avoid before having surgery to prevent bleeding problems.
This handout describes how to take Memantine Extended Release (Namenda XR) tablets. These tablets are prescribed to patients to help reduce the memory side effects of radiation therapy.
This handout describes how to take Memantine (Namenda) tablets. These tablets are prescribed to patients to help reduce the memory side effects of radiation therapy.
This handout suggests special events and milestones parents may want to record from their baby's stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
This handout describes and shows several products that can help patients organize their medications and remember to take them.
This handout explains a few key points about living successfully with a diagnosis of memory loss or dementia. This document is a chapter in the handbook "Living with Memory Loss," written by staff at the Memory and Brain Wellness Center in Seattle, WA.
This handout explains the 4 types of memory: long-term (remote), short-term (recent), immediate (working) and prospective (future remembering). It also gives strategies to help remembering when one's memory is impaired.
This handout provides driving directions and parking information for UWMC's Men's Health Center in Seattle. It includes directions from Interstate 5 and Interstate 405.
This handout explains Meniere's disease (MD), its symptoms, evaluation tests, medical management and prognosis, and surgical treatments such as endolymphatic sac surgery, vestibular nerve section, and labyrinthectomy. It provides contact telephone numbers at UWMC and support group information.