This handout discusses issues to think about when considering surgery to lower your risk of ovarian cancer. This is called risk-reducing oophorectomy.
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This handout explains compression garments, which are worn after surgery to help keep swelling down.
This handout, written for people with diabetes, gives information about many common sweeteners and how they may be used in a meal plan.
This handout describes Symlin, a synthetic (man-made) hormone that works with insulin to control how quickly glucose enters the blood after meals. Side effects, drug interactions, and storage information are included.
This handout explains sympathetic nerve block, a procedure to find out if the sympathetic nervous system plays a role in sending pain signals to the brain, and if stopping the pain signals on a short-term basis can ease pain. Includes an explanation of the procedure, how to prepare, what results to expect, instructions for medicines, activities, side effects, filling out a pain diary, and follow-up care.
This appendix to the Heart Transplant Manual explains the medicine tacrolimus, prescribed for heart transplant patients.
This booklet explains what pressure sores are, the stages of pressure sores and how to care for them. It also covers complications and signs of trouble to watch out for.
This handout for women who want to have children explains why taking good care of your teeth and gums may help prevent preterm birth. Sections include "Dental Checkups," "Medicines," "Brushing and Flossing Tips," "More Tips for Healthy Teeth and Gums," and "Resources for Dental Care." This document is a chapter in the birth book "Pregnancy and Giving Birth." It is also included in the packets "Preventing Another Preterm Birth" and "Coping with Grief," part of the Wait One Year Program.
This handout talks about self-care for the new mother after giving birth. It addresses body changes, nutrition, sexuality, and family planning. This document is part of the workbook "Your Care After Giving Birth."
This document is section 6 of the manual Helping You Understand the ICU. It explains why self-care is important for the caregiver, spokesperson, and advocate for someone in the ICU. Tips and ideas for self-care are included.
This handout provides resource and support phone numbers for parents taking their preterm baby home from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at University of Washington Medical Center.
This handout explains how to take a baby's temperature under their arm. This is called the axillary temperature.
This handout explores why it might be hard for brain tumor patients to tell others about their diagnosis, and supports taking the process slowly. It gives tips for talking with children and employers.
This handout explores why it might be hard for cancer patients to tell others about their diagnosis, and supports taking the process slowly. It gives tips for talking with children and employers.
Tandem and ovoid or tandem and ring HDR are ways to deliver a high dose of radiation to the uterus, cervix, or vagina. This handout explains the treatment, how to prepare for it, and what to expect afterwards.
This handout explains how to taper doses of dexamethasone, a very strong steroid medicine. It is used to treat cerebral edema (fluid on the brain) and to control short-term symptoms during chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
This handout explains how to use medication to manage an abortion for patients who were seen by a provider via telehealth. It includes instructions for different 2 methods of using misoprostol, including follow-up care after taking the medication.
This handout explains a program at UW Medicine called the Diabetes in Pregnancy Telemedicine Program. This program allows patients to have follow-up visits with doctors and specialists by computer.
This handout gives specific instructions for patients who are taking Temodar (temozolomide) on a 28-day treatment schedule.
This handout gives specific instructions for patients who are taking low-dose Temodar (temozolomide) with radiation therapy.
This handout explains the Tenex Health TX procedure, one way to treat the pain that often occurs with chronic tendon injuries. Tenex uses ultrasound to break down scar tissue. This treatment is done at the UW Medicine Sports Medicine Center at Husky Stadium.
This handout explains what gestational diabetes is and the 2 tests that are used to diagnose it. Instructions are included for these tests: the glucola test and the 3-hour glucose tolerance test.
This handout explains a study that will help your doctor assess the health of your heart muscle. It uses a radioactive tracer called thallium that helps show your heart muscle more clearly in the imaging pictures. Most times, this study is done for patients who have coronary artery disease. The results will help your doctor decide what treatment will work best for you.
This handout explains the 3 P's of saving energy: planning, pacing, and pursed lip breathing. It includes why each step is needed, when to take it, and how.
This handout is a chapter in the manual "Managing Your Heart Condition," which is given to patients who have had a serious type of heart attack called a STEMI (ST-elevated myocardial infarction). The handout describes the structure and function of the heart, types of heart disease, risk factors for heart disease, and what happens during a heart attack.